Introducing The Best, Most Trusted Review Site of All Time

If you’ve ever read a product review that felt like it was written by a robot — or worse, a marketer pretending to be a happy customer — you’re not alone. Everywhere you look, there’s hyperbole, clickbait titles, and sneaky advertorials dressed up as honest opinions.

It’s exhausting.

It’s infuriating.

And we finally had enough.

The world of online reviews is completely broken so we’re doing something about it.

Meet Reviewed World, a place for reviews you can actually trust by people that actually exist. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel — we’re just trying to make it round again.

What Makes Reviewed World Different?

For starters, Reviewed World isn’t just another cookie-cutter review site with faceless writers who crank out generic opinions. We’re building a collective of people who actually know what they’re talking about.

Think seasoned journalists who’ve spent years perfecting their craft, professionals who live and breathe their industries, and those Reddit geniuses who casually drop knowledge bombs on obscure subreddits.

I’ll be bringing my unique perspective as a technology writer to the table. Over the years, I’ve developed a knack for spotting what’s real and what’s hype, and I’ll be putting that to good use as part of this.

Here’s our promise: every review on Reviewed World will be written by someone who actually understands the product, service, or industry they’re covering. No fluff, no filler, and absolutely no nonsense. We’ll tell you what’s good, what’s bad, and what’s not worth your time.

Trusted Reviews, Anywhere and Anytime

When we start publishing in January 2025, our main hub will be our Medium-based website, https://reviewed.worldBut we’re not stopping there.

You’ll find us sharing insights and engaging with our community across nearly every social network. Here are some of the pages that we’re just getting started:

And we have our own server on Mastodon,, where you can follow our individual reviewers and our review categories. At launch, we have:

We’ll even be taking requests — because who better to tell us what’s worth reviewing than you? We want you to be part of this from day one. If there’s a product or service you’re curious about, let us know. Reach out to any of the social networks above or drop us an e-mail:

Kevin Chao

Kevin Chao

Kevin Chao is a Mountain View, California native who has been near the epicenter of the technology universe his entire life. Chao finds great pride in sharing the latest with the world around him, which he does as a technology writer. When he's not working, he enjoys cycling and the San Francisco Giants.
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